I help with:
Anxiety & Depression – I am a HUGE fan of getting in there and treating both anxiety and depression. Usually we don’t see one without the other. Anxiety most often comes first, it is EXHAUSTING, the brain gets tired of it, and the mood tanks = depression. Research is showing that targeted and aggressive treatment are “neuro-protective”, meaning it protects your brain in the long run, from memory problems and other physical and mental health problems as we age. Long story short, get help to manage your anxiety and depression, otherwise it tends to worsen over time. These areas are in my wheelhouse! I work to develop an individual treatment plan that will help you manage these struggles and feel like yourself again. The most important step is to get a good evaluation and diagnosis, and then start regular treatment.
Postpartum Anxiety, Depression Support & Recovery – Postpartum anxiety and depression can be devastating and many women feel ashamed. These conditions, brought on by pregnancy, are NOT your fault! These are supposed to be the happiest days of your life. But, many times it’s the opposite and many women suffer in silence and shame. Unwanted racing thoughts; thoughts hurting oneself, your baby or others; and deep fears that you might know are irrational but you just CAN’T stop – these are all symptoms of postpartum anxiety and depression. There is help, and with medication and therapy, you have the best chance of feeling and thinking like yourself, quicker than you could all on your own. Put a stop to shame, reach out, GET HELP, you will be so glad you did!
Self-Esteem – How do you feel about yourself and your life? Do you think about yourself and “talk to yourself” poorly? If so, you probably could use some self-esteem work. I help people identify their strengths and we set goals of things to work on to build confidence at home, work and school. I coach people to take action on their strengths and to set and work toward achieving goals. At the same time, we work to reduce the negative chatter in your brain about yourself!
Stress Management – We all have stress! There is healthy stress and unhealthy stress. I can help identify which is which, what to keep and what to try to get rid of. For stress that we can’t seem to manage, we work on how to care for yourself to help cope with stress.
Relationship Problems, Communication & Boundary Setting – I love doing this work! Many communication and relationship problems can be addressed by doing good “boundary work”. Most of us SUCK at setting HEALTHY boundaries. It is an area I have to consistently work on myself, otherwise I wind up feeling overwhelmed, resentful and just plain tired of people who are important to me. Do you ask yourself, “Why do people take me for granted? Why don’t people appreciate me? Why am I the one who has to do everything?” If your answer to some of these are yes, you could use some work on communication and boundaries! I also work with individuals and couples on communication and specific problem spots in their relationships.
Grief Counseling – Grief comes in many forms and doesn’t just have to do with losing someone we care about through death. It can be loss of a dream, a home, a relationship, etc. Grief is rooted in loss that deeply affects us. Nothing is the same after such a loss. I treat grief with education to help you understand why you are feeling and functioning the way you are, give practical skills to help cope with feelings of despair, emotional pain, sadness and fear. I support and help you learn that you CAN heal and feel better.
I also offer a Christian Perspective in therapy. For people who choose and find their Christian faith supportive, I offer treatment from a Christian perspective. I will honor your wishes either way. If you are so inclined, therapy is a safe place to explore your spirituality and faith, which can help in coping with life’s challenges. I am trained in social work, in which I learned to respect and understand all faith traditions that are a positive support to my clients. Just let me know!